About Rand and its IoT or any BCI represents mostly hardware. What I find missing is the concept of communication between these devices and the definition of language, like HTML (hypertext markup language) as a universal language that allows us humans to communicate through these devices (IoTs).

"The greatest danger may not be a foreign adversary waging cognitive warfare on us, but rather our own governments—under control of corporate and financial elites—using every device at their disposal to zap us into submission."

You nailed it here. The foreign adversary is GlobalCorp that has subverted and hijacked our governing bodies, comprised of members that were elected to represent We the People (a mystical body).

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Jan 10, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Another great story Joe. Well done!

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Hi Joe I have been doing research on Transhumanism and technocracy for a while now. It always struck me that there are a lot of human capabilities like shared dreaming, channeling, remote viewing, etc... that have been studied extensively but are typically not well funded. I think the answer to waking people up is to offer them solutions as well as information that flies in the face of biodigital convergence. There is a notion that DNA alone is the programming of the cell not true! There is vast and complex systems associated with epigenetics let alone mitochondrial DNA, microtubules etc. Also the overall narratives of transhumanism is to make readers think of themselves as nothing more than biological machines. Again this is incredibly simplistic cells have consciousness we are not just the neurons of the body and what about all the amazing work of Heart math institute for example. It is good to show the dangerous controlling factors of technocratic cyborgism but people are motivated by information they can use themselves. Another is the unconscious mind where it is discussed on a simplistic level as 'programming yourself like a computer to achieve better behaviors'. Again it is so much deeper than that. My point is that there has to be a myriad of positive reasons for humans to stay human or it they will be bugs to the technocratic zapper. I'm definitely a fan of your work and haven't read everything so if you have addressed some of this pardon my ignorance.

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this looks kinda scary, going to read through them anyway.

whats better than knowing the enemy his plan.

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Breaks the snow. I am grateful.

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